Frequently Asked Questions
Music Education and Production in the same place for students of all ages.
New students should start by registering here. After registration, check your email. We’ll reach out shortly to help you find the ideal teacher, schedule, and trial lesson pricing.
Not at all. Once you start the monthly membership, you’ll only be billed one month at a time (first day of each month), and you can stop anytime as long as we get notice by email at least 15 days before the end of the month.
We runs year-round. TMS doesn’t officially close for ISD holidays. Our school calendar covers 50 lessons per year. This means there are two weeks not included in the monthly tuition. Contact us for more details.
There is one time registration fee to start the enrollment. Please contact us to get more details.
Yes! We offer a 5% monthly discount for additional family members.
Please contact us. We will send you this updated information to your email.
No, lessons will be held weekly
No, we allow students to suggest their own favorite songs, in addition to music method chosen by the teachers. We know everyone enjoys more when it’s music they already love.
First consider renting your instrument. We also offer a rent program for our students, because you’ll need your own to practice at home. But if you are a TMS enrolled student and want to practice inside our facilities, you can come anytime without any extra cost. Just check in advance, the instrument and practice room availability with our staff.